
2019 Federal Election


Students for Consent Culture Canada has compiled a list of four recommendations for candidates/policymakers in the upcoming 2019 Federal Election. Each ask is central to current sexual-violence related issues in Canada, such as MMIWG, training for federal judges, reproductive justice, and more.

Read our blog post #VoteWithSurvivors – Federal Election 2019 for SFCC’s recommendations in the upcoming federal election. Download our recommendations here.

Students for Consent Culture Canada has joined the Up for Debate Alliance alongside other organizations that work towards gender equality. Up for Debate is a campaign which calls on candidates to commit to a national televised debate to share their priorities on women’s rights and gender equality.


Étudiant.e.s pour une culture de consentement a dressé une liste de quatre recommandations pour les candidats dans les élections fédérales 2019. Chacun est une demande central pour des affaires de la violence au caractère sexuelle au Canada comme les sujets de la disparition et l’assassinat des femmes et jeunes filles autochtones, la justice reproductive, la formation des juges fédéraux et plus. Lisez-notre blogue pour nos demandes dans les élections fédérales 2019. Téléchargez-ici nos recommendations.

2019 MANITOBA Election


SFCC has compiled a list of five recommendations for candidates/policy makers in the upcoming 2019 Manitoba Provincial Election. Each ask is central to current sexual-violence related issues in Manitoba, such as MMIWG, sex-Ed curricula, training for provincial judges, and more.

Read our blog post #VoteWithSurvivorsMB – Manitoba Election 2019 for Student for Consent Culture’s recommendations in the upcoming provincial election.

Download our recommendations here.