Report Launch: Crucial Voices


Crucial Voices is the report of our findings and priorities-for-action from the National Action Plan consultation process. 

From November 2020 to March 2021, SFCC consulted with a diverse range of key informants, organisations, and individual students from across the country, in interviews, group consultations and online surveys, as a part of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence. 

In the development of this report, we have brought together our own significant experiences as frontline advocates, and reached out to our networks to develop priorities for post-secondary students in the National Action Plan. People in our networks are often underrepresented in outreach and consultation undertaken by other organisations, due to the grassroots, radical nature of organising. They have shared their own expert perspectives on what is needed to address gender-based violence, which include the barriers they are experiencing in pushing for change within their institutions. It is our shared hope that the Action Plan being drafted centres these recommendations. 

The full report, Crucial Voices: Report on SFCC Student Consultations for the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, can be found here. You can find the Crucial Voices Report Summary here.

We humbly thank all participants who shared their thoughts and experiences through our consultations. Sharing stories about gender-based violence and creating recommendations to improve post-secondary institutions can be intense work. We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to be part of this process. Your voices are the foundation of this report. Thank you. We would also like to thank our amazing designer Ashley Grenstone for the beautiful artwork prepared for these documents, and Tia Wong for the report design. 

We have created a Federal Government Briefing based on what we heard from our networks and survivors that can be found here in English and here in French.

This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

For more information about the National Action Plan and the Crucial Voices report, see here.

reports, updatesSFCC Canada