Students for Consent Culture

Students for
Consent Culture Canada

Our Mission

Students for Consent Culture Canada is an organization dedicated to supporting anti-sexual violence advocacy and activism on campuses across the settler colonial state known as Canada by serving as a hub of resources, tools, community, and institutional memory for student engagement. SFCC also engages in advocacy at the provincial and federal level to create better policies, practices and accountability measures to protect students. Our overall goal is to build relationships of solidarity across social justice movements and organizations to support cultures of consent on campuses and in our communities across Turtle Island.


Our Focus


Overseen by the Advocacy Lead, this portfolio spans three levels – campus, provincial, and federal. The Advocacy Portfolio takes the research done by Education Portfolio and uses it to support its mobilization and push for change at all three levels.

Campus | Provincial | Federal | Advocacy Toolkit


Overseen by the Outreach Lead, this portfolio is responsible for mobilisation and facilitating the network of connections between student groups and other organisations. This includes the work of “grading” sexual violence policies in collaboration with student groups.

Become a member | scorecards


Overseen by the Education Lead, the work of this Portfolio includes the creation of trainings, popular education materials, research, and reports for students to access and use on their campuses.

Open Secrets


 What’s new with SFCC